

Jun 21, 2012

How to choose a usb modem

Before you start choosing a modem you must know what is it. Modem or modulator demodulator is a device which modulates an analog carrier signal to encode digital information, and also demodulates such a carrier signal to decode the transmitted information. Main thing is that to produce a signal that can be transmitted easily and decoded to reproduce the original digital data. (Ref) Now we can talk about how to choose a usb Modem.

1. Make your budget : The very first step is that how much money you want spend for this. Because everything is depended on it. If you have a big budget than you can choose the best one but if u have a small budget than you may have to consider something while buying.

2. Recommended one from your ISP : Your ISP provider know that which one will give you the best performance. So it's a smart decision to go with your ISP recommendation and bypass all the disturbance. If you are not going with your ISP provider recommendation than you must follow things below before buying.

3. Check the speed of modem : It's very boring while your browsing or download speed is very slow. However speed is depended on you package subscription but if your modem is not a good enough than it will give u less speed than you can get.

4. Compatibility with your Operating System : Some people think that all modems are compatible with the latest OS. But it will be very wise decision to check it before you buy. Because if it's not compatible with your OS or computer than it's worthless nothing else.

5. Check installation method : However installation method of usb modem is very straightforward but you should check the user review. You should make sure that, troubleshooting of this is very simple.

It's almost done, now just choose a Modem which one is matching with this recommendation and buy it.

reiki healing

How To Make Your PC Faster

There are many way to run your pc faster like new computer. You can observe that when your pc was new it has top speed, quick response but now when it get little bit older its getting slower. And you don’t want to buy a new pc . So question is How Can I Make My Pc Faster Like It Was NEW ? Well you can follow this steps

01 Uninstall Unnecessary Programs:

At first you have to select those program what you don’t use. Then just uninstall them. Most of people don’t know that some program run at background and slow down your pc. Bottom line is that more software you install , The more PC resources are taken up . And definitely it will slow down your pc.
To get rid of this problem you have to do
01- Click start
02- Go control panel
03- Click ADD or Remove/Program and Feature
04- Remove your unnecessary program

02 Defrag Your Hard Drive:

After uninstalling unnecessary software you have to defrag your hard drive . Because hard disk work in a very peculiar way. It's often the case that these files will be mixed up, and split up which is like taking some chapters out of a book and placing them into another book. Almost every pc suffer by this problem. For that reason you always have to defrag your hard disk. You can use many defrag softwer
Otherwise you can follow this
01- Click start
02- Find Accessories
03- Then System Tools
04- Click on Disk Defragment

03 Clean The Registry:

Registry is a database which all computer use for storing important settings and option for your system inside. Everything of your desktop are set by those registry. It allows your pc to recall the most recent database to show them faster as possible. Registry is highly important for keeping your every custom settings. So you can say for faster pc running you always have to clean unnecessary registry. Otherwise It can corrupt your important data. To clean your registry you can use Registry Cleaner Tool. It will automatically scan unnecessary registry and clean it up.

reiki healing

Jun 16, 2012

How to set up or configure broadband connection

Broadband is a telecommunication signal system which is used for very high bandwidth communication. For high speed internet access you can use broadband connection. To use broadband connection you have to subscribe to a broadband internet service provider.
Now follow this steps to configure your connection

For Windows XP

1. Click Start - Control Panel - Network and Internet Connections - Network Connections. If you are viewing classic control panel view than Click start - control panel - Network connection

2. From left sidebar click Create a new connection under Network Tasks.

3. It will open a new window name New Connection Wizard, Click next.

4. Now choose Connect to the Internet, click next.

5. Click setup my connection manually, click next.

6. In the Internet Connection, there are two options for broadband.
If you are using DSL connection, choose the second option Connect using a broadband connection that requires a user name and password. Click Next

6(a). Type your ISP name in the ISP name field (if provided from your isp then type this) , click next
6(b). In the Connection Availability window, choose My use only. Click next.
6(c). Type your account Username and Password on the Internet Account Information window. Click next.
6(d). Click finish.

7. If you are using Cable modem connection. Then choose the third option Connect using a broadband connection that is always on. Click next.
7(a) Click finish.

For Windows 7

1. Click start - control panel - network and Sharing Center

2. Click set up a new connection

3. Choose connect to internet, click next

4. Click Set up a new connection

5. Click no create a new connection, click next.

6. Click Broadband (PPPoE). Type username , Password and connection name tick the remember password and allow other people to use this connection checkbox.

7. Click Connect.

Now your Broadband connection is ready to use.

reiki healing

Jun 15, 2012

How to build or create wireless network

Wireless network indicate the computer network which is not connected through cable.
In this method you can reduce cost of cable and fixed place networking problem. Wireless network use radio wave transmission system. Before we get started you have to know the differences between wide wireless broadband and home wireless network.In this article we will discuss about home wireless network, which is known as WIFI. To build a Wifi network you need a Wireless Router. Before Buying Wireless router you have to ensure that the router you are buying it support your copmuter Operating system & hardware. Check its range of working area and choose which is suitable for you.
Now for setup your Router and configure it follow this steps below

1. To share your exiting broadband connection through your wireless router, plug the wireless router into your computer internet connection point.

2. Turn on your external broadband modem wait until its ready to use.

3. Plug the router Ethernet cable into your Computer.

4. Turn on your wireless router wait until its ready to use.

5. Open your internet browser type (ex: it will provided in user manual. Type user name and password it is also provided with your router.

6. Enable the wireless capability and type your user name and password which is provided by your internet provider.

7. Choose WPA or WEP security system and type a passkey.

8. Now your router is configured but if your OS is not detecting your router then install the driver software provided with router or download it from web.

9. Now restart your PC and your OS will detect the router. If it is detected it will shown in network network connection. Router will appear with manufacturer name.

10. Select your router choose security method and type passkey to connect it. Use auto DHCP, it will find the router and connect the network through router. Set your range.

Your wireless network is now ready to use. But always remember to use the security method to prevent the unauthorized use of your network.

reiki healing

How to create a dial up network

To access, browse or surf the internet we need a network connection. There are many kind of connection are available for connect to internet like,
a) Broadband
b) Wireless
c) Dialup
d) Local Area Network (LAN)

If you want to create a dialup network you need a pool modem, public switched telephone network (PSTN) line. Collect your dial number, user name and password from your PSTN or ISP peovider.
Now Follow this things.

1. Connect modem at your computer.

2. Go to control panel click Network and Sharing Center.

3. Click Set up a new connection or network

4. Click setup a Dial up connection, click next.

5. Fill the Dialing number, User name,Password which is provided by your PSTN or ISP provider.

6. Click connect.

Now you are connected to internet. But Dialup connection is the slowest method of accessing the internet. Typically, dial-up connection maximum speed is 56 kbit/s. This type of connection are use in rural area where, no other option are available for accessing internet. So think again before using this kind of connection.

reiki healing

How to share file via LAN (local area network)

So you have a LAN or Local Area Network and now want to share things with your friends or colleagues. Its very easy to do just follow the instruction below,

At first you have to create a home group network.To create homegroup network right click computer, click properties, click Advance system settings then click on computer name tab. Then click Network ID for small office or business connection select This computer is a part of a business...

and for home connection select This is a home computer...

Click next and restart your computer.

1.Now go to control panel click Network and Sharing Center , click Advanced sharing settings from left sidebar.

2. Then choose your network type
a) Home or Work
b) Public

3. Now choose which things you want to share and tick them click save changes

4. Your public folders are automatically shared. If you share more files then
select the file or folder, click right button, click share with select share type. If you select read only then network users can only read this file, they can't make any changes to this files and if you select full control network user have the full control over this files.

5. To explore the network computers files shared by others open computer, click Network from left sidebar. It will show computers on this network. Now select a computer from which you want the files.

You can also play game via LAN server. Almost every game create a temporary game server station with it's built in automated program. Now share your files, play game via LAN and have fun.

reiki healing

Jun 14, 2012

How to create a local area network (LAN)

Well you want to build a local area network (LAN) for your home or small office. For small connection like two computer you don't have to buy any router you can connect it through cross over cable. Having LAN connection you can share files, printer between this two computer. For this kind of connection follow this steps,

For Windows 7

1. At first click on the windows Button, right click on computer, then click properties.

2. Click on Advance System Settings, click on Computer Name tab, click Change and make sure that it's "workgroup" as shown below.

3. Now open control panel. Click on Network and Sharing Center.

4. At left sidebar click on Change Adapter Settings. Now right click on the Local Area Connection select properties.

5. Select internet Protocol Version 4 (tcp/ipv4). Now click at properties select "use the following ip"

6. On first computer set IP and in second computer set IP by same way. But make sure both computer subnet mask is if both are not same your network will not work.

It's all done, now reboot or restart both computer and see your network is ready to use.

reiki healing

How to reduce computer booting or start up time

When you install new windows at your computer it's run super fast. But after some time when we install paid or freeware software it's become slower. It can happen for many reasons but mostly because of programs and services that have been installed in the past and occupy what's called a start up program. If you want to speed up your startup or booting time just follow this steps

1. Open run command by clicking "windows" then "run" or press windows +r button.

2. Type msconfig press enter. It will bring a system configuration windows.

3. Click on the startup tab.

4. Uncheck all the unnecessary startup items then press apply then OK.

Now reboot your computer you can see that your computer is booting more faster than before.

How to reduce or decrease Windows installation time

It's very boring to wait for such long time for installing operating system. But now you can decrease or reduce windows installation time with a little trick. Just follow this steps

1. Boot from your windows CD.

2. Setup will copy all the files which are required for installation. It will prompt you to select a location for installing windows

3. After rebooting setup will continue than just press Shift+F10 button, it will bring cmd.  Type taskmgr  it will open task manager.

4. In task manager on the process tab find windows.exe or setup.exe 

5. Right click on the process and set priority to high.

Now windows will install more faster than before.

reiki healing
